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  • What do Republicans believe in?

    What does it mean to be a Republican in America? Many people, including countless people I see daily and some of my good friends, tend to have a confused interpretation of what being a Republican means. The liberal media has pushed an agenda attacking Republicans and making them synonymous with racism, misogyny, and sexism. While Republicans may hold a range of perspectives on specific issues, several core values tend to resonate with members of the Republican Party. I believe four values truly separate current Republicans from any other party in history. These values include a commitment to limited government, individual freedom, free market principles, and foreign policy. These values create a framework that balances individual liberties with the common good. They strive to create a society where citizens have the freedom to pursue their aspirations, contribute to the economy, and actively participate in the democratic process while respecting the rights and well-being of others. These values serve as guiding principles for governance, fostering an environment where individuals can thrive, and the nation can prosper. Limited Government: This fundamental value underscores the significance of restraining the role and reach of government and prioritizing its essential functions, such as upholding the rule of law, safeguarding individual liberties, and facilitating the provision of public goods. Advocating for a government that exercises prudence and avoids undue encroachment upon the lives of its citizens, this principle champions the empowerment of individuals to exercise their rights and pursue personal prosperity freely. The recent endeavor by the Democratic Party to enforce a compulsory COVID vaccine mandate is not only profoundly concerning but also reeks of authoritarian tendencies. While it cannot be disputed that the COVID vaccine has undeniably played a pivotal role in reducing the likelihood of infection and mitigating its severity, it is an overstep for the government to impose such a mandate on the entire populace. Even eminent members of the Democratic Party, such as Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, recognizes that“It is not the place of the federal government to tell private business owners how to protect their employees from Covid-19 and operate their businesses.” I find no qualms with private enterprises formulating their regulations to address the challenges posed by COVID-19, as there appears to be a widespread misconception. The crucial aspect lies in ensuring individual agency, where people can make their own choices while being held accountable for any transgressions they may commit. Therefore, it becomes imperative to curtail the extent of governmental interference in the day-to-day lives of individuals. Furthermore, imposing a compulsory COVID vaccine mandate raises concerns about government overreach and undermines the principles of personal autonomy and informed consent. While vaccines have proven to be effective in preventing the spread of infectious diseases, it is essential to respect the rights of individuals to make decisions about their bodies and healthcare. The government risks trampling on individual liberties by enforcing a vaccine mandate and disregarding its citizens' diverse circumstances and beliefs. It is crucial to recognize that individuals have different risk tolerances, medical histories, and personal religions that may influence their decision to receive a vaccine. Mandates can create unnecessary divisions and erode trust in government and public health institutions. Instead of relying on coercive measures, the government should focus on educating the public about the benefits of vaccination, addressing concerns and misinformation, and ensuring access to vaccines for all who choose to receive them. Voluntary vaccination campaigns and robust public health initiatives have proven effective in encouraging vaccine uptake without infringing individual freedoms. Moreover, relying on private businesses to implement vaccine mandates raises additional concerns. Appointments could lead to discriminatory practices or create barriers for individuals with legitimate medical or religious exemptions. While some companies may choose to adopt such measures voluntarily, it is crucial to consider the potential impact on employees and job opportunities. Balancing public health goals and protecting individual rights within the workplace is essential. Individual Freedom: Individual freedom is a fundamental principle deeply ingrained in American politics. It serves as the bedrock of democratic values, recognizing and protecting every American citizen's inherent rights and liberties. Rooted in the belief that individuals should be free to express their opinions, ideas, and identities without undue interference, individual freedom encompasses various aspects crucial to the American political landscape, including the freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and the right to pursue personal and professional goals without unjust constraints imposed by the government or external forces. Freedom of speech, a cornerstone of American democracy, is essential in politics. It allows citizens to voice their opinions, critique the government, and engage in political discourse. As famously proclaimed by Justice Louis Brandeis in the 1927 Supreme Court case Whitney v. California, "If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence." This quote exemplifies the vital role of free speech in promoting the exchange of ideas and facilitating the development of a well-informed citizenry. Religious freedom, protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, is another essential aspect of individual freedom in American politics. It guarantees that individuals can freely practice their religion without government Interference. As Thomas Jefferson, one of America's Founding Fathers, stated, "No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority." The quote emphasizes the importance of protecting individuals' rights of conscience from government interference. It highlights the belief that these rights, which include unique ideas and moral principles, should be highly valued and cherished. It signifies that no government or authority should have the power to dictate or suppress an individual's convictions. The right to peaceful assembly is pivotal in American politics, enabling citizens to gather, protest, and advocate for their interests. As Martin Luther King Jr. articulated during the Civil Rights Movement, "We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline... We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence." The captivating controversy is that countless BLM protests have resulted in physical violence, either towards buildings or even towards people, with a reported 25 deaths, exclusively from the actions of the protestors fighting for a just cause, but with terrible execution. Moreover, individual freedom encompasses the right to pursue personal and professional goals without undue constraints imposed by the government. This principle aligns with the American Dream, the belief that everyone should have equal opportunities for success and upward mobility. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt asserted, "We must carefully guard all citizens' civil rights and civil liberties, whatever their background. We must remember that oppression, injustice, or hatred is a wedge designed to attack our civilization." This quote highlights the commitment to protecting individual freedoms to preserve the integrity of American democracy and ensure equal opportunities for all. Once again, this is something that the democratic party has tried to suppress by creating and endorsing movements such as cancel culture, which ironically goes against John Locke’s direct ideas in which he states, “The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but to have only the law of nature for his rule.” We see his original ideas being selectively voided in a movement led by the left to ostracize and suppress voices that personally offended someone or a movement, implying that everyone thinks the same. Unfortunately, there is a terrible double standard employed in American society that directly voids individual freedom; take the following hypothetical situation, for example, If a household has an LGBTQ flag outside of it, the house is progressive, inclusive, diverse, and equitable. If a household has the American flag outside, the house is old-fashioned and racist. If a gay person shoots and kills Christian students, it's because the gay person has been threatened and oppressed their entire life. These are the side effects of “discrimination.” If a Christian person shoots and kills gay people, the person is disgusting and homophobic. Thankfully both situations are hypothetical, and the media would never propagate it in any other way. It would genuinely be outlandish if the title of the New York Times article talking about the disgusting Nashville School Shooting were titled: “What We Know About the Nashville School Shooting” NPR titled it “What we know about the deadly shooting at a Nashville elementary school” yet when the sickening shooting Colorado Nightclub shooting occurred NPR was quick to title their article as: “Colorado LGBTQ club shooting suspect is charged with hate crimes.” CBS titled their paper “Suspect in Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub shooting ran a neo-Nazi site, detective testifies,” and then for the cherry on top, PBS titled it: “Colorado LGBTQ nightclub shooting suspect charged with hate crimes.” Thankfully, this is all hypothetical. Otherwise, that would be a pretty horrible double standard. In conclusion, individual freedom holds profound significance in American politics. It fosters open dialogue, protects religious diversity, promotes peaceful activism, and upholds equal opportunities for all citizens. By recognizing and valuing individual freedom as a cornerstone of the nation, American politics can continue to evolve and flourish, ensuring a democratic society that respects the rights and liberties of its people. Free Market Principles: Adam Smith, widely recognized as the "father of modern economics," introduced the concept of market-determined wages and defined the free market. According to Smith, a free market operates with minimal government intervention, allowing supply and demand to dictate the movement of goods and services. In such a system, prices are influenced by market forces, and participants are free to engage in trade without restrictions. The essence of free market principles lies in their promotion of competition. Numerous entrepreneurs enter various industries, each striving to attract consumers with unique goods and services. This competition drives down prices, improves product quality, and offers consumers various choices. Businesses are motivated to innovate and increase efficiency to gain a competitive edge. Private property rights form a crucial pillar of the free market system. Individuals and businesses have the authority to own, manage, and dispose of their assets within legal boundaries. These rights safeguard the fruits of their labor and incentivize investment and resource optimization. Let's consider the telecommunications industry as an example of the benefits of free markets. Private companies compete to provide telephony and internet services in a world without excessive government intervention. Consumers enjoy a variety of options while businesses strive to offer competitive prices, quality services, and technological advancements. Unburdened by excessive regulations, market forces efficiently steer prices and resources, leading to economic prosperity and individual success in the telecommunications sector. Voluntary contracts also play a crucial role in free markets, allowing individuals and businesses to engage in mutually beneficial exchanges based on consent and agreement. Participants pursue their interests through negotiation, creating a harmonious convergence of wants. In a free market, producers determine the production and supply of goods, while consumers can choose from a wide range of products. Pricing decisions are made by individual businesses rather than government intervention, fostering genuine economic freedom. This market-driven approach promotes competition, innovation, efficiency, and better outcomes for producers and consumers. Foreign Policy: Republican foreign policy emphasizes maintaining a robust and formidable military, recognizing its indispensable role in safeguarding national security and projecting influence on the global stage. The belief in a strong military as a cornerstone of Republican ideology is grounded in the conviction that a well-equipped and prepared armed forces serves as a deterrent against potential adversaries, protect American interests, and ensure the nation's and its allies' safety. To Republicans, a strong military signifies the embodiment of a nation's strength and resolve, serving as a powerful deterrent against aggression and potential threats. It is vital for preserving peace by demonstrating the capability and readiness to counter any aggression against American interests. By maintaining a military with cutting-edge technology, advanced weaponry, and well-trained personnel, Republicans argue that the United States is better positioned to defend its national sovereignty and protect its citizens. Furthermore, Republicans contend that a strong military contributes to global stability by deterring potential aggressors and promoting a secure environment for diplomacy and negotiations. By projecting strength and resolve, the United States can assert its claims and values, champion democracy, and stand against tyranny and terrorism. Through military power, the United States can forge strong alliances and partnerships with like-minded nations, cultivating a network of cooperation to address shared challenges and safeguard common interests. An illustrative example of the significance of a strong military lies in the ongoing commitment to defense spending. Republicans argue that investing in defense is essential for national security and yields substantial economic benefits. Robust defense budgets create jobs, foster technological innovation, and drive economic growth within the defense industry. They view defense expenditure as an investment in the nation's future, bolstering its industrial base and ensuring technological superiority, which has far-reaching implications for national defense and economic prosperity. In the words of President Ronald Reagan, a stalwart proponent of Republican foreign policy, "Peace through strength." This resounding quote embodies the essence of the Republican belief that a strong military is the foundation for peace and security. It encapsulates the idea that by possessing a robust military capability and projecting strength, the United States can deter potential adversaries, avert conflicts, and foster a more secure world. Theirs a reason why the United States has only been attacked twice in its history: The War of 1812 and Pearl Harbor. The effects of those disastrous actions still reap today. In conclusion, Republican foreign policy advocates for a robust and capable military as an essential element of national security. It underlines the importance of a strong military in deterring aggression, protecting American interests, fostering global stability, and promoting peace through strength. Through defense investments and technological advancements, Republicans seek to ensure the United States retains its edge, enabling it to navigate the complex geopolitical landscape, forge alliances, and champion its values and interests internationally. In conclusion, being a Republican in America encompasses a set of core values that prioritize limited government, individual freedom, free market principles, and a strong foreign policy. These values emphasize the importance of restraining the role of government in people's lives, empowering individuals to exercise their rights and pursue personal prosperity freely. Republicans uphold individual freedom as a cornerstone of democracy, protecting rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and peaceful assembly. They believe in the power of free markets to drive competition, innovation, and economic prosperity, allowing individuals to engage in voluntary exchanges and pursue their goals. Additionally, Republican foreign policy emphasizes a strong military as a crucial component of national security, promoting peace through strength and safeguarding American interests. By embracing these values, Republicans aim to create a society where citizens can thrive, participate in the democratic process, and contribute to the nation's prosperity while respecting the rights and well-being of others. Works Cited:,%E2%80%9CSpeech%20is%20powerful,of%20nature%20for%20his%20rule

  • A Republican Senator in California in 2024? The Emergence of Steve Garvey

    Following the vacancy left by Senator Dianne Feinstein's passing, the unfolding Senate race in California is a vivid illustration of the current political stage, with the emergence of Steve Garvey, a Republican and former baseball icon, challenging the established Democratic force, Representative Adam Schiff. This race has become a focal point of national attention, showcasing the evolving dynamics within California's political landscape. This state has been a Democratic stronghold for decades but one that used to be a Republican stronghold. Adam Schiff: Adam Schiff, a seasoned politician with a career spanning over two decades, is a prominent figure in California and national politics. Schiff's academic credentials, including his tenure at Stanford University and Harvard Law School, have provided a strong foundation for his political journey, which began in the California State Senate before transitioning to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000. Schiff has been pivotal in several high-profile political and legislative battles, most notably serving as the lead House manager in President Donald Trump's first impeachment trial. This role elevated his national profile and solidified his reputation as a staunch defender of democratic institutions and the rule of law. Schiff's legislative focus extends to critical areas such as national security, civil liberties, and environmental protection. His advocacy for aggressive action on climate change, comprehensive healthcare reform, and stringent gun control measures reflects a progressive platform aligned with the priorities of many Californians. Various electoral and political challenges have tested Schiff's resilience and adaptability. Yet, his ability to maintain a solid support base highlights his effectiveness as a legislator and a leader. Steve Garvey Steve Garvey's candidacy represents a significant departure from conventional political pathways. Known for his storied career in Major League Baseball, particularly with the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres, Garvey has leveraged his sports fame and leadership experience into a political campaign that emphasizes unity and bipartisan solutions. His platform, which prioritizes "common sense, compassion, and consensus," aims to address pressing issues such as immigration, homelessness, and economic recovery, appealing to a broad spectrum of voters. However, Garvey's transition from sports to politics has its challenges. His lack of political experience and past personal and financial controversies raise questions about his suitability for office. Despite these hurdles, Garvey's campaign has tapped into voter dissatisfaction with career politicians, positioning him as a fresh alternative capable of bridging the partisan divide. Differences between Garvey and Schiff The ideological differences between Schiff and Garvey reflect the broader polarization within American politics. Schiff's progressive agenda, which includes support for sweeping federal interventions in healthcare, environmental policy, and gun control, starkly contrasts Garvey's more nuanced approach. While Garvey aligns with conservative principles on issues like immigration and law enforcement, his moderate stances on topics such as abortion and homelessness suggest an effort to appeal to a broader audience. Garvey has also stated support for Ukraine, in difference from the MAGA faction of the republican party. This Senate race is emblematic of the challenges facing both major parties as they vie for the support of an increasingly diverse and politically divided electorate. The ability of either candidate to mobilize independents and moderates could prove decisive, highlighting the importance of strategic positioning and messaging in contemporary electoral politics. Schiffs Surprising Strategy: In a surprising twist, Schiff's strategy to elevate Steve Garvey to sideline his main Democratic rival, Katie Porter, appears to be backfiring. While Schiff and his allies have poured millions into ads that ostensibly criticize Garvey for being too conservative for California, these efforts have paradoxically bolstered Garvey's visibility and appeal among Republican voters, possibly solidifying his position as a serious contender for the November ballot. This unintended consequence undermines the original objective of Schiff's strategy and risks alienating moderate and independent voters who may perceive these tactics as manipulative or insincere. As the race tightens, with recent polls indicating a neck-and-neck contest between Porter and Garvey for the second spot, Schiff's gambit highlights the inherent risks of engaging in such complex electoral strategies. The backlash from both Democratic and Republican circles suggests growing scrutiny of Schiff's campaign methods, potentially impacting his favorability among voters who value straightforwardness and integrity in political campaigning. Current Polls: Source: University of California Berkeley In the latest poll from the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies, expected to be the last before the primary election, Steve Garvey has surged to the lead with the support of 27 percent of likely voters, with Adam Schiff closely trailing at 25 percent. Katie Porter, who has openly criticized Schiff for spending millions on Fox News ads to prop up Garvey, finds herself in third place with 19 percent support. After previously competing closely with Garvey in several polls, Porter has now fallen to third. With the primary election anticipated to have historically low voter turnout, Mark DiCamillo, the poll director, noted that Garvey and Schiff are effectively tied in the race. Total Money Raised as of March 1st: Source: Cal Matters Recommened Read/ Listen : Sources Utilized:

  • Meet the Five Main Republican Party Candidates

    Senator Tim Scott, Governor Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump, Governor Ron Desantis, Mr. Vivek Ramaswamy As the highly anticipated 2024 elections approach, the Republican Party finds itself at a crossroads, with five prominent figures emerging as influential players in the political arena. Vivek Ramaswamy, a successful entrepreneur, and conservative activist, challenges conventional wisdom with his fresh perspective on economic and social issues. Tim Scott, the trailblazing first African American senator from South Carolina, combines a steadfast commitment to conservative principles with a passion for reforming the criminal justice system. Ron DeSantis, the assertive governor of Florida, captures attention through his bold leadership style and implementation of conservative policies. The enigmatic former President Donald Trump continues to wield significant influence, defying expectations with his unorthodox approach to politics and maintaining a devoted base of supporters. In contrast, Nikki Haley, a former ambassador to the United Nations, presents a more moderate Republican perspective, emphasizing diplomacy and international relations. As we delve into their captivating life stories and examine their stances on critical issues, the puzzle of their impacts on the Republican Party's future trajectory and the broader political landscape becomes increasingly fascinating and complex. Tim Scott, born on September 19, 1965, in North Charleston, South Carolina, has carved out a unique path in American politics, entwined with a captivating personal story. Growing up in a single-parent household, Scott faced formidable challenges, but his mother's unwavering dedication as a nurse's assistant instilled a sense of resilience and determination in him. His family's legacy, tracing back to grandparents who endured the harrowing shackles of slavery, further shaped his perspective and fueled his drive for change. With his birthdate marking the beginning of a remarkable journey, Scott's impact on American politics would be felt for years. Entering politics after establishing himself in real estate and insurance, Scott secured a seat on the Charleston County Council in 1995. His subsequent victory in the 2008 state House of Representatives election propelled him into leadership roles, including chairman of the Freshman Caucus and House Whip. In 2010, he made history as the first black congressional Republican from the Deep South since the Reconstruction Era, winning a pivotal runoff election. Subsequently, as a member of the House of Representatives, Scott has passionately advocated for criminal justice reform, focusing on sentencing disparities and alternative approaches to incarceration. He has also championed a balanced budget amendment, emphasizing fiscal responsibility and curbing excessive government spending. Scott's unwavering commitment to fortifying border security is exemplified by his analogy of the southern American border as the "backdoor" of the nation. He emphasizes the need to control this vital gateway, as an unsafe and unsecured border jeopardizes national security. He highlights the potential risks posed by individuals on the terrorist watch list crossing the border, underscoring the criticality of securing the nation's boundaries. Nikki Haley, known as Nimrata Nikki Randhawa, has left an intriguing imprint on American politics. As South Carolina's first female governor from 2011 to 2017, Haley's trajectory began in her family's business before securing a seat in the state House of Representatives in 2004. With a Republican platform focused on tax cuts, immigration controls, and abortion restrictions, she clinched the governorship in 2010, aided by the support of the Tea Party movement and Sarah Palin. During her tenure as governor, Haley emphasized economic revitalization and unemployment reduction. Through successful efforts to remove the Confederate flag from the State Capitol, Haley navigated complex issues, solidifying her position within the Republican. However, her handling of the aftermath of a tragic church shooting in Charleston in 2015 garnered national attention. 2017 President Donald Trump appointed Haley as the United States ambassador to the United Nations. This role allowed her to advocate for American interests, particularly regarding Iran and North Korea, further enriching her political experience. Haley's literary contributions include several autobiographies, providing glimpses into her life and political journey. Notably, she recently announced her candidacy for the 2024 presidential race, emerging as a notable contender challenging Donald Trump within the Republican Party. Her campaign underscores the need for transformative leadership, focusing on national security, strategic alliances, and the challenges posed by countries like China, Russia, and Iran. Donald Trump, a towering figure in business and politics, ascended to the prestigious role of the 45th President of the United States from 2017 to 2021. His foray into politics in 2015 led to an extraordinary triumph in the 2016 presidential election, securing the Republican nomination and capturing the hearts of millions. Throughout his tenure, Trump championed substantial tax cuts, spearheaded deregulation, and pursued an "America First" foreign policy. He left an indelible mark on the political landscape by appointing three conservative judges, renegotiating pivotal trade agreements, and weathering two impeachment proceedings. Trump's unfiltered and direct communication style, primarily via social media platforms, struck a deep chord with Americans, cementing his enduring appeal among Republican voters. Trump's "America First" ideology in foreign policy underscored his commitment to safeguarding national interests and preserving American jobs. Through shrewd renegotiation of pivotal trade agreements like NAFTA, he sought to secure more advantageous terms for the United States, culminating in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). His staunch advocacy for robust border security and constructing a US-Mexico border wall resonated deeply with his supporters, epitomizing his steadfast resolve to protect national sovereignty and the well-being of American citizens. Despite encountering considerable hurdles, Trump's unfiltered and direct communication style, mainly through social media platforms such as Twitter, allowed him to forge an intimate connection with the American people, circumventing conventional media channels. Like Mr. Scott, Trump believes that ensuring that America is healthy and functioning at peak ability is significantly more important than spending billions of dollars on other events, such as the war in Ukraine. President Trump boasted at the CNN Town Hall that the war would be over in 24 hours if he were President. His ability to resonate with a diverse spectrum of voters, unwavering adherence to conservative principles, and consistently formidable poll performances converge to state that if he is elected, America will become great again. A figure of influence in American politics, Ron DeSantis, has emerged prominently, supported by a distinguished educational background. With academic credentials from Yale University and Harvard Law School, his rigorous scholastic training underpins his thoughtful and principled approach to governance. As the 46th Governor of Florida since 2019, DeSantis remains resolute in advancing conservative principles and prioritizing the welfare of his constituents. DeSantis's drive emanates from a steadfast commitment to limited government, fiscal responsibility, and individual liberty, propelling him to the forefront of the Republican Party. Integral to his agenda is upholding the integrity of education by shielding it from political indoctrination within school systems. He actively champions parental empowerment, advocates for school choice initiatives, and fosters a balanced, fact-based teaching approach encompassing history and civics. Throughout his gubernatorial tenure, DeSantis has showcased exceptional leadership, notably during moments of crisis. His firm actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic emphasize shielding vulnerable populations while preserving personal freedoms and minimizing unnecessary governmental intervention. By implementing targeted policies that deftly balance public health imperatives with individual liberties, DeSantis has garnered considerable acclaim among conservatives nationwide. DeSantis's unwavering adherence to conservative values, astute governance, and dedication to an impartial educational landscape has propelled him as a rising star within American politics. With an established record of accomplishment and an expanding support base among Republican voters, conjecture regarding his potential as a formidable candidate in future national elections continues to grow. As he fervently champions conservative principles and tenaciously advocates for the people of Florida, the prospect of a Ron DeSantis presidency increasingly captures attention and looms increasingly larger as a realistic possibility. Vivek Ramaswamy, a highly accomplished and influential figure in business and politics, has left an indelible mark on various spheres. With an impressive academic background and a Bachelor's degree in Biology from Harvard College and a Juris Doctor degree from Yale Law School, Ramaswamy exemplifies intellectual prowess and a diverse skill set. His entrepreneurial acumen became evident by establishing Roivant Sciences, a groundbreaking biopharmaceutical company that revolutionized disease treatments. Ramaswamy's triumphs transcended conventional boundaries when he orchestrated a remarkable $4.2 billion merger, taking Roivant Sciences public with the aid of a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) in 2020. This unprecedented biotech SPAC deal firmly established Ramaswamy as a force to be reckoned with in the business world, earning him prestigious recognition, such as a coveted spot on Forbes' 30 Under 30 list in 2015. A distinctive aspect of Ramaswamy's journey lies in his commitment to fostering dialogue and bridging ideological divides. His impactful book, "Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam," released in 2021, tackles the profound influence of woke ideology on the corporate landscape. By igniting vital discussions, Ramaswamy has contributed to the ongoing discourse surrounding the intricate intersection of politics and corporate culture. Ramaswamy recently made headlines by announcing his presidential bid for the 2024 election, representing the Republican Party. As a staunch advocate for putting America's interests first, he strongly believes in elevating the nation before extending aid to other countries. From a foreign policy perspective, Ramaswamy believes that making strategic decisions, such as allowing Russia to take Ukraine in exchange for dismantling the Russia-Sino Alliance, would serve America's best interests. As the 2024 elections approach, the Republican Party is at a pivotal crossroads, shaped by five key figures: Vivek Ramaswamy, with his innovative economic and social ideas; Tim Scott, who merges conservative values with criminal justice reform; Ron DeSantis, known for his assertive leadership and conservative governance; Donald Trump, with his unconventional approach and loyal base; and Nikki Haley, offering a moderate stance focused on diplomacy. These individuals represent diverse paths for the party's future, highlighting a need for balance between their varied perspectives to attract a wide voter base. The party's challenge is to integrate Ramaswamy's fresh ideas, Scott's reformist energy, DeSantis's bold leadership, Trump's unique tactics, and Haley's diplomatic skills to craft a new conservative vision that is inclusive, pragmatic, and resonant with the American people. Successfully doing so will be key for the Republican Party's relevance and success in the evolving political landscape. Works Cited:

  • Recapping tensions between Texas and the White House.

    ( Governor Greg Abbott and President Joe Bide) In the ongoing and contentious battle over illegal immigration, a complex and escalating feud has emerged between the state of Texas and the federal government regarding the installation of razor wire along a 29-mile stretch of the Texas-Mexico border. Despite a recent Supreme Court ruling permitting federal officials to remove the razor wire, Governor Greg Abbott, bolstered by the support of numerous Republican state governors, continues to defy these directives. Abbott argues that the razor wire serves as a critical deterrent against illegal border crossings, aligning with his stance on what he perceives as the Biden administration's lax approach to immigration enforcement. This dispute has significantly heightened with the presidential elections just around the corner and both parties attempting to appear as the ones who will fix this monstrous problem. At the peak of the matter are conflicting views on constitutional authority, with Texas adamantly asserting its right to secure its border against what it deems an invasion, citing Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution. Tragically, the human toll of these border policies is underscored by incidents such as the recent drowning of a Mexican woman and her two children, shedding light on the dire consequences faced by migrants attempting perilous crossings. It comes back to the basic principle of finding a way to limit the deaths of those who attempt to enter illegally. Still, at the same time, ensuring that entering illegally becomes so tricky that significantly fewer people will attempt to do it. The situation has become emblematic of broader political and cultural issues, with some viewing it as a potential constitutional crisis. In contrast, others see it as a stress test for the constitutional system. The Supreme Court's recent order instructing Texas to allow federal border agents access reiterates federal responsibility for border security. However, the public response has been diverse, with Democrats accusing Abbott of defiance and Republicans encouraging resistance against the Supreme Court's ruling. Compromise will be the best way to handle this undoubtedly rough situation in a very polarized America. An open border should be a bipartisan issue, and agreeing that classifying three million illegal/ undocumented immigrants trespassing our southern border as a severe problem shouldn't be an issue. The significant increase in border encounters since the start of the Biden Administration is no coincidence, and it must be prevented and reversed. Bidens Proposed Plan Facing mounting immigration challenges, President Biden is advocating for a new border security bill, aiming to secure emergency authority to close the border in overwhelming situations. The legislation, presently in Senate negotiations, seeks to address the surge in border crossings by providing essential tools, including enhanced emergency authority, additional Border Patrol resources, and judicial support. President Biden asserts the necessity of this new law, emphasizing its crucial role in effectively managing the situation. However, House Speaker Mike Johnson and former President Trump argue that existing executive authority is sufficient to address the border crisis without requiring new legislation. Current border flow statistics reveal approximately 8.5 million recorded encounters since President Biden assumed office. Republicans advocate for immediate action within existing legal frameworks, urging the reinstatement of Trump-era policies like "Remain in Mexico" and asylum cooperative agreements to curb the influx. Ongoing Senate negotiations center on a proposed bill that would grant the executive branch new legal authority, potentially allowing the suspension of most asylum screenings for migrants crossing illegally, particularly in overwhelming situations. The bill also aims to streamline asylum claim processing within six months and tighten eligibility criteria. Another fascinating bit of information about this border crisis is the countries of origin from which the migrants come. In summary, the Texas federal government feud over border security epitomizes the divisive challenges of illegal immigration. The clash on constitutional authority reflects broader political tensions, while tragic incidents, like the recent drowning of migrants, emphasize the need for a humane resolution. President Biden's proposed border security bill, amidst ongoing Senate negotiations, highlights efforts to address the surge in crossings. With the approaching elections, finding bipartisan solutions that balance security concerns and human welfare is imperative to navigate this complex issue. Pointing fingers at the opposite party, however wrong one may be, to an individual's eyes is counterproductive, and the best way to achieve something in politics is through compromise, that's what should happen at our southern border, and it should happen now. Works Cited,of%20year%2Dend%20government%20statistics.,grant%20any%20title%20of%20nobility.

  • The L.A. Hospital Crisis

    By: Kevin Zhang Introduction For the past few months, hospitals all across California, and especially in the LA area have struggled with financial hardships. From layouts to incurring greater and greater costs, it is estimated that 1 out of every 5 hospitals in CA are in threat of shutting down and half are making negative profits (Carbajal). This would have catastrophic effects for lower-income communities, whose people rely on the already struggling smaller hospitals that provide them service. This report aims to identify the causes of this problem and identify what steps have been taken to ameliorate this situation. Causes Hospitals all across America took on huge burdens during the Covid-19 pandemic, where emergency rooms, doctors, and nurses were forced to work to their breaking point in order to support a struggling America. The one relief they faced were the massive monetary donations given to hospitals to help them stay afloat. However, most of these donations ran out in around June of 2022, as COVID came to an end. As a result of the end of this cash flow, many hospitals were forced to operate on reserve money left for emergencies, a system that many struggling hospitals are still engaging in today. Obviously, this cannot be a long term plan, as more than 50% of hospitals are losing money (Roth). There are three major factors for these losses: burnout, Medi-Cal, and the financial system. Burnout Nurses were working long hours 24/7 throughout the pandemic. This job itself already has an extremely high burnout rate of 25% (Flynn), but this number almost doubled during the COVID pandemic, where that number lept to a whopping 41% (Rotenstein). As many of these nurses left the job, hospitals were forced to hire “travel nurses,” who demanded much more pay than their unionized counterparts. As a result, hospital costs leapt up after a price increase of 3 times the normal unionized wage, from $100 an hour to $200-$250 an hour for travel nurses (Galeno). To make matters worse, studies have shown that wages and benefits are the two most expensive costs for hospitals, totalling around 56% of their budget combined on average (Yera). At the end of the day, California hospitals paid an extra $10 billion more for labor and supplies in 2022 than what they paid in 2021. To make matters worse, their return on investments like travel nurses were also decreasing at an alarming rate, only $119 million in 2022 compared to $6 billion in the year before (Young, Hart). Despite trying to find alternatives, these “travel nurses” are crucial to keeping the hospitals up and running. Firing or letting go of these nurses would result in even more economic losses, as they are the backbone to any healthcare system. Much like how a team can only work as fast as its slowest member, a hospital can only function with a certain number of nurses on duty, thus tying many hospitals into a shut-or-incur-loss bind. Medi-Cal Medi-Cal is California’s version of Medicaid, a program first started in 1965 under the LBJ administration in order to provide healthcare to lower income individuals. However, the issue with Medi-Cal is that it doesn’t fully reimburse the very costs that hospitals incur to take on Medi-Cal patients. In fact, studies have found that the Medi-Cal program only pays hospitals 74 cents to the dollar on average (Young, Hart). As a result, hospitals lose substantial money every time a Medi-Cal patient walks through the door. For instance, the Emanate Health, a nonprofit organization located in West Covina with three hospitals, reported that the lack of reimbursement from the Medi-Cal program was killing their programs. In 2020 itself, Emanate Health lost a whopping $30 million, and incurred an extra $16.6 million cost in just the first two months of 2022. Another hospital in California’s Central Valley, Madera Hospital, faced the same financial hardships, losing a total of $15.6 million from Medi-Cal patients (Emerson-Shea). To make matters worse, people who rely on Medi-Cal also tend to live in lower-income areas. These areas lack the financial infrastructure to have multiple hospitals readily available, meaning that for many communities, there may be only 1 hospital within their vicinity. If that one hospital closes down, that would be catastrophic news for these people, as there would be no other option for them in times of emergency (Klein). With the Medi-Cal program expanding year by year, hospitals would be forced to take on an even greater financial burden for every Medi-Cal patient that walks through the door. Financial System The economic losses hospitals take on from Medi-Cal patients is not a new phenomenon. For decades, the Medi-Cal program has limited profits made by hospitals, paying hospitals only 74 cents to the dollar. As a result, larger hospitals like Cedars-Sinai Hospital System in Los Angeles secured grants back in 2009 that allowed them to funnel tax-payer’s money upwards themselves. These larger hospitals then promised to help finance the smaller hospitals that were located in lower-income communities. In return these larger hospitals would receive tax benefits from the government, a move that would prove to be extremely lucrative (Young, Hart). Smaller hospitals who catered towards a larger percentage of Medi-Cal patients, like Emanate Health (80% Medi-Cal patients) were therefore heavily reliant on these “bailouts” from larger, more lucrative hospitals, while still forced to pay a large amount of taxes. As a result, these smaller hospitals failed to attract wealthier customers with private insurance. This loose system of a healthcare “bank” allowed these smaller hospitals to remain operational despite losses on paper. But with the onset of the COVID pandemic, hospitals all across America were suddenly financially burdened, leading many of the larger hospitals to reel back on their “bailout” for smaller ones. Without this crucial lifeline, smaller hospitals have thus been forced to shut down in fear of incurring more financial losses from Medi-Cal patients. The CARES Act The CARES Act was the $3.4 trillion COVID relief bill passed by Trump in 2020. It was meant to be a comprehensive relief bill, and a large portion of it, $175 billion, was allocated to hospitals to help keep them afloat (Bailey). It greatly helped mitigate the struggles of California hospitals, but nevertheless, there were still some major concerns. As shown in table 1, Californian hospitals endured a net total of $14.3 billion dollars in 2020, but even with substantial CARES funding, the final result was still a substantial $8.4 billion in loss. In addition, the percentage of hospitals with negative operating margins jumped from 40% in 2019 (178 hospitals) to 58% (254 hospitals) in 2020. Table 1 Source: Kaufman Hall More recently, governor Newsom passed a $150 million loan program to struggling hospitals across California (Muoio). While it is a step in the right direction, it is far from the proposed $1.5 billion requested by the California Hospital Association (Coyle). With national debt problems and strict budget regulations from the California senate, Governor Newsom must find a way to allocate these scarce resources to hospitals that are actually in need. Large hospital systems like Cedar-Sinai have large backout financial resources they can fall back on--and they have been doing so. But smaller hospital systems are fighting to stay afloat and they need this loan more than anyone else. At the end of the day, Newson’s goal should be to keep as many hospitals alive as possible, not just simply throwing cash at everyone, especially at those that don’t necessarily need the money right away. Beverly Hills Hospital Case Study The case for Beverly Hospital in Montebello, California, is a very good example of the problems listed above. On April 19, 2023 Beverly Hospital declared bankruptcy after suffering continuous negative cash flow and also failing 3 times to merge with other hospital groups, including AHMC Health. One of their main struggles were the poor reimbursement rates from Medi-Cal. Beverly hospital serviced a majority of low-income individuals, 90% of which were on Medi-Cal (Reyes). As a result, they sustained heavy losses with the disproportionate payback (74 cents to the dollar) from the Medi-Cal system. When taking a look at their first quarter revenues, there was a clear drop in 2023 as shown in table 2, where they only received $1.2 million in Medi-Cal reimbursements compared to $4.5 million from the year before, a whopping 73% drop. To make matters worse, total operating expenses as well as total reduction on revenue had what hospital officials called a “meteoric rise” for the past 5 years, severely constricting cash income flow (Reyes). Operating expenses remained quite tame from 2019 to 2022, at around the $49 million mark, but hit a peak in 2023 at $59 million. Total reduction on revenue also hovered around the high $80 million mark from 2019-2022, but once again saw a huge increase in 2023, hitting a total of $112 million. According to hospital officials, much of these increased costs can be attributed to both increased wages and supply costs, a result of the heavy burnout rate of COVID nurses. In the past, they could sustain most of these losses from the large monetary donations they received. But as Covid ended, these donations dried up. In fact, Beverly hospital saw a 68% decrease in donation revenue from 2020 to 2021, from a healthy $13 million to just $4.1 million. And as the last straw, net patient revenue suffered another huge hit in 2023, only bringing in $35 million compared to mid $40 millions from the year before. Cumulatively, Beverly Hospital suffered a crushing blow of almost $4.4 million in economic loss in 2021 and another $3.8 million in 2022 (American Hospital Directory). For now, they have reported to have lined up $13 million in emergency financing to keep the hospital up and running as they continue to pursue finding a deal. Table 2: Beverly Hospital Financial Information from 1st Quarter Data in millions. Note: Positive cash flow is marked in green; negative cash flow is marked in red. Source: CalHHS Conclusion The 2023 LA Hospital Crisis is one of the most severe financial constrictions hospitals have faced in recent years. A combination of nurse burnout, insufficient Medi-Cal reimbursements, and a faulty financial situation were the tipping point of a problem that should have been addressed much earlier. The failure to do so has resulted in huge implications, both hurting the medical industry from an economic standpoint, but also leaves communities stranded without the medical infrastructure they need. As of now, already one in five hospitals, like Beverly Hospital, have shut their doors, with a majority of the rest operating on negative margins, barely having space to breathe. Governor Newsom and California’s state legislature must take stronger action soon; otherwise, Californian hospitals and residents alike may be looking at an even more bumpy road ahead. Citations “American Hospital Directory.” Ahd.Com, Accessed 18 June 2023. Bailey, Victoria. “COVID-19 Federal Relief Funds Helped Offset Hospital Financial Losses.” RevCycleIntelligence, 18 May 2022,,for%20hospitals%20and%20healthcare%20organizations. Carbajal, Erica. “20% of California Hospitals at Risk of Closure: 4 Leaders React.” Becker’s Hospital Review,,and%20outpaced%20increases%20in%20revenue. Accessed 14 June 2023. Coyle, Carmela. “Now Is the Time to Make Your Voices Heard on Financial Relief .” California Hospital Association, 28 Feb. 2023, Emerson-Shea, Jan. “New Report: California Hospitals Face Massive Financial Losses Due to Covid-19 Pandemic; 2021 Shortfall Triple Previous Projections.” California Hospital Association, 21 Apr. 2022, Flynn, Jack. “15+ Nursing Burnout Statistics [2023]: The Shocking Truth about Nursing.” Zippia, 12 May 2023,,of%20nurses%20experience%20career%20fatigue. Galeno, Christian. “Hospitals Pay Hundreds per Hour for Travelling Nurses, but Still Not Enough to Staff Hospitals during Covid Surge.” KGET 17, 14 Sept. 2021, Klein, Kerry. “After a Rural California Hospital Closes, Farmworkers Pay the Price.” PBS, 11 Apr. 2023, Muoio, Dave. “California Lawmakers Greenlight $150M of Emergency Loans for Struggling Hospitals.” Fierce Healthcare, 5 May 2023, Reyes, Emily. “Beverly Hospital in Montebello Files for Bankruptcy in Effort to Avoid Closure.” Los Angeles Times, 20 Apr. 2023, Rotenstein, Lisa. “Covid Burnout Hitting All Levels of Healthcare Workforce.” Harvard Gazette, 31 Mar. 2023,,clinical%20staff%20reporting%20the%20sentiment. Roth, Drew. “New Report Confirms Depth of California’s Health Care Crisis.” California Hospital Association, 13 Apr. 2023, Yera. “Breaking down the Top Costs in Hospitals.” PathstonePartners, 8 June 2023,,Wages%2C%20Benefits%2C%20and%20Labor%20Costs,total%20expense%20of%20a%20hospital. Young, Samantha, and Angela Hart. “California Hospitals Seek a Broad Bailout, but They Don’t All Need It.” California Healthline, 25 May 2023,

  • Donald Trump's Unconstitutional Indictment

    Donald Trump was indicted for the second time in 2023. The recent indictment of former President Donald Trump has sparked intense debate and controversy, stirring up a whirlwind of opinions and discussions. Trump is facing seven counts of mishandling classified documents, which has ignited strong reactions and raised questions about the fairness of the charges. Many conservatives are expressing concerns about the underlying motivations behind the indictment, suggesting possible political bias within the justice system. This complex situation has reignited debates about the relationship between politics and the law, revealing deep divisions within the country. As the legal process unfolds, the outcome of the case and its impact on future political figures remain uncertain, fueling the passionate discourse surrounding this significant indictment. A particular issue that has confused is the juxtaposition between Trump's case and the extensive archives maintained by President Joe Biden. Reports indicate that Biden's archives encompass 1,850 boxes of records, potentially including classified information. This stark contrast has left some pondering whether a double standard exists and whether Trump is being selectively targeted for prosecution. Moreover, statistics reveal that mishandling classified information is not uncommon among high-ranking officials. According to a Department of Defense report, between 2009 and 2013, over 79,000 security clearance holders were identified as having mishandled classified information. Curiously, most of these cases did not result in criminal charges, raising concerns about the inconsistent application of the law. Despite the formidable legal challenges he faces, recent polls indicate that Trump continues to command significant support from a substantial segment of the electorate. This underscores the unwavering loyalty and enthusiasm of his base, which persists unabated despite the ongoing legal battles. This steadfast backing adds a layer of complexity to the already intricate political landscape and further fuels the discourse surrounding Trump's indictment. Trump's persistent claim of entitlement to retain the classified documents in question is a factor that demands consideration. He staunchly argues that he did not violate any laws and even suggests that he had declassified certain information. While the veracity of these assertions may be subject to debate, they raise pertinent questions about the foundation of the indictment.Critics contend that the charges against Trump are politically motivated, exploiting the timing and the politically charged environment. Some view the indictment as part of a more comprehensive campaign by Democratic prosecutors to undermine Trump's potential 2024 election bid. Such assertions underscore the imperative of conducting a thorough and impartial investigation, ensuring that legal proceedings are driven solely by substantiated evidence and adherence to the rule of law rather than political motivations. The revelation of classified documents at President Biden's residential and office locations has ignited a perplexing situation, prompting a Department of Justice investigation and the appointment of a special counsel. Despite declaring the review as complete, additional documents were discovered, raising questions about their inadvertent misplacement. Critics allege hypocrisy and demand transparency, while Republicans assert their intent to delve deeper into the matter. Once again its evident that main media companies hold Trump to a different standard then that of Biden. The media's role in publicizing and interpreting these events has fueled debates about potential bias. Ultimately, the ongoing investigation seeks to unravel this enigmatic situation and hold individuals accountable, presenting an embarrassing episode for the Biden administration. In conclusion, the indictment of former President Donald Trump on seven counts related to mishandling classified documents has ignited impassioned debate and raised valid concerns. Trump has been accused of 41 different crimes in his lifetime and not a single time was he found guilty.The fairness of the legal proceedings, the potential for selective prosecution, and the presence of political motivations have taken center stage in the ongoing discourse. It is of utmost importance to ensure a comprehensive, objective, and unbiased investigation based on solid evidence and unwavering commitment to the principles of justice. Additionally, any move to prohibit Trump's future participation in elections raises critical questions about democracy and the protection of constitutional rights. Its quintessential to state that an indictment is just a fancy word for a formal accusation. President Trump has not been convicted of anything and will very likely remain not guilty. The ongoing legal challenges against Trump, coupled with his enduring popularity among supporters, epitomize his political legacy's intricate and contentious nature. Works Cited:

  • Stop Blaming the Fed--A New Outlook on Inflation

    Stop Blaming the Fed Globally, the current inflation levels are reminiscent of those experienced during the 1980s. While moderate inflation is generally regarded as desirable, functioning as an indicator of economic prosperity, the long-run aggregate supply (LRAS) model reveals the direct relationship between supply-demand shifts and inflationary pressures. A burgeoning LRAS during economic development generates an inevitable price rise, leading to inflation. However, the passage of recent stimulus packages in the United States has resulted in a significant decline in the value of the U.S. dollar. The U.S. inflation rate as of March 2023 stands at 6.4%, with a staggering zenith of 9.06% in June 2022 (U.S. Inflation Calculator). These figures cause concern, notably that the average U.S. inflation rate over the past decade has remained low, hovering around 1.88% (Forbes). Given the current state of inflationary pressure in the United States, remedial measures must be implemented to address these challenges. It is commonly believed that America's inflationary perils are induced by its monetary policy. However, this assertion needs to be revised. The Federal Reserve has steadily increased its interest rates since the start of 2022, with the current rate hovering around 4.75%. This rate is high when analogized to America's historical interest rates. In contrast, in March 2020, the rate hit an unparalleled low of 0%, enabling borrowers to borrow money without incurring interest charges (CountryEconomy, 2022). Theoretically, such a policy should cause rampant inflation. However, empirical evidence suggests otherwise, as explained in greater detail in Option 1 below. Despite the Federal Reserve's interest rates being aggressively low since 2008, inflationary pressures have remained relatively subdued in the past decade, as shown by Diagrams 1 and 2. Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Source: Federal Reserve System Jerome Powell, the chair of the Federal Reserve Board, has recently hiked up interest rates in an attempt to curb inflation in the United States. In the March 2023 Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, Powell stated that interest rates would likely be "higher than previously expected" and that the road to control inflation would be "bumpy" (Cox). However, historical data suggests that such an approach harms the U.S. economy more than reasonably. Despite the strict constrictions on the money supply, inflation rates have only decreased by a mere 0.1%, from 6.5% in 2022 to 6.4% in 2023 (U.S. Inflation Calculator). The limitation on economic growth is a significant issue with this strategy. The rise in interest rates had direct consequences, as exemplified by the Silicon Valley Bank crash in March 2023. During the pandemic, people opted to save money in banks rather than borrow. Banks such as Silicon Valley Bank were left with a surplus of funds, which they chose to invest in U.S. treasury securities, a seemingly secure option at the time. However, the rapidly rising interest rates led to a significant decrease in the value of these securities and, as a result, the bank's investments, amounting to around $1.8 billion (Chittenden 2023). This event resulted in the most significant banking crash since 2008, severely impacting America's economic system. A crucial barometer of economic success, America's housing market has experienced a marked downturn. The Federal Reserve's continuous increase of interest rates has resulted in wild swings in mortgage rates, rendering new houses unaffordable for many first-time buyers. This has brought the housing boom of 2020 and 2021 to a screeching halt, and real estate sales in California alone dropped 44.1%, a dramatic reversal from the nearly 90% sales increase observed earlier this year. The heavy role of real estate in the U.S. economy further compounds the issue. Real estate serves as excellent collateral for borrowers, enabling them to borrow more from banks and invest more. However, the fluctuation in housing prices directly impacts homeowners' credit, as evidenced by a 2018 study by Indraneel from the University of Miami. It found that a single one standard deviation increase in home prices led to a decrease of 21% in total investments. To mitigate this economic slowdown and avoid repeating the 2008 housing bubble burst, the housing market should be a top priority in the upcoming fiscal year. Diagram 3 Source: CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ® Compounding the situation, China emerged from its Covid Zero strategy in January 2023 and has regained its global economic dominance. This development further exacerbates the challenges facing the United States, as it risks ceding its hegemonic position to China's resurgent economy. Thus, Chair Powell is confronted with a precarious balancing act in which he must navigate the twin imperatives of inflation control and economic competitiveness. Who do we blame? The genesis of the significant inflation that has plagued the U.S. since 2020 is linked to the country's fiscal policy. To understand this, one must first scrutinize the government's measures in response to the COVID-19 crisis. To protect public health and provide assistance to those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic, Congress enacted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act in 2020, which carried a price tag of a staggering $2.3 trillion, equivalent to an astounding 10% of the GDP (Elis, 2020). But the spending spree continued, with several smaller stimulus payments adding up to approximately $5.2 trillion (Parlapiano, 2022). Adjusting for inflation, the total cost of World War II would amount to just $4.7 trillion. Such a massive injection of new cash into the economy has necessitated the printing of an unprecedented 13 trillion dollars by the Federal Reserve (Surz, 2021), which, in turn, has prompted a decline in the value of the dollar, following the fundamental principles of supply and demand in the monetary market. America now has two options for fixing the economy: The U.S. economy faces complex challenges, including high inflation and the possibility of a recession. While policymakers must address these issues, they must also consider global events such as the Silicon Valley Bank crash and the war in Ukraine, which could further destabilize the economy. Historical data suggests that lowering interest rates may help reduce inflation. At the same time, Congress should limit its expansionary fiscal policy and instead focus on a more passive and long-term stimulus program to prepare for a potential recession. Progressive unemployment insurance could provide a safety net for Americans without causing inflation. Maintaining a balance of expansionary monetary policy, limited fiscal policy, and passive stimulus is crucial for navigating the US economy's current challenges. Conclusion Despite government intervention, American households are still grappling with inflation rates as high as 6.4% and exorbitant housing prices, potentially culminating in another housing crisis akin to 2008. Unchecked high inflation rates can be detrimental to an economy, eroding the purchasing power of consumers and weakening the real estate market. The key to mitigating inflationary pressures is judiciously utilizing fiscal policy rather than contracting the money supply to invest in long-term benefits like progressive unemployment insurance. The Federal Reserve has a safety net in the form of record-low unemployment rates and diminishing wages, which should prompt Powell to refrain from contractionary monetary policies. Though it is unlikely that America's inflation predicament will be fully resolved overnight, these measures are vital in the right direction. With China's resurgence on the global stage, it is imperative to spur economic growth and rejuvenate the U.S. economy. Works Cited Barro, Robert J., Claudio Migliore, and Dawood Mamoon. “Understanding Recent US Inflation: By Robert J. Barro.” Project Syndicate, September 1, 2022. rit-by-robert-j-barro-2022-08?barrier=accesspaylog#:~:text=Specifically%2C%20t he%20inflation%20above%202,out%20to%20be%20about%2011%25. Chittenden, William. “Analysis: What Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Means for the U.S. Financial System.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 13 Mar. 2023, -means-for-the-u-s-financial-system#:~:text=Silicon%20Valley%20Bank%2C%20 which%20catered,Deposit%20Insurance%20Corporation%20its%20receiver. Contributor Ron Surz. “Money Printing and Inflation: Covid, Cryptocurrencies and More.” Nasdaq. Accessed December 11, 2022. rrencies-and-more. Cox, Jeff. “Fed chair Powell says Interest Rates are ‘likely to be higher’ than previously anticipated.” CNBC. March 7, 2023. o-be-higher-than-previously-anticipated.html “Current US Inflation Rates: 2000-2023: US Inflation Calculator.” US Inflation Calculator |, February 14, 2023. Elis, Niv. “Congress Unveils $2.3 Trillion Government Spending and Virus Relief Package.” The Hill. The Hill, December 21, 2020. spending-and-virus-relief-package/. “Fact Sheet: The Biden Economic Plan Is Working.” The White House. The United States Government, February 6, 2023. heet-the-biden-economic-plan-is-working/. “How China's Reopening Will Disrupt the World Economy.” The Economist. The Economist Newspaper. Accessed March 5, 2023. t-the-world-economy. (2) “How High Property Prices Can Damage the Economy.” The Economist. The Economist Newspaper. Accessed March 5, 2023. y-prices-can-damage-the-economy. (1) Jason Furman Aetna Professor of the Practice of Economic Policy. “The Crisis Opportunity: What It Will Take to Build Back a Better Economy.” Harvard Kennedy School. Accessed December 11, 2022. -back-better-economy. Ostrowski, Jeff. “What the Fed's First Rate Hike of 2023 Means for Housing.” Bankrate. Accessed March 5, 2023. Parlapiano, Alicia, and Deborah. “Where $5 Trillion in Pandemic Stimulus Money Went.” The New York Times. The New York Times, March 11, 2022. as-spent.html. - Powering a Personal Wealth Movement. “Is Inflation High Compared to Years Past? Breaking down Inflation Rates by Year.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, January 3, 2023. past-breaking-down-inflation-rates-by-year/?sh=54d0c2266d7a. “US Federal Reserve Bank Key Rates 2022.” Follow us on November 3, 2022. US unemployment rate. Accessed March 5, 2023. ment%20Rate%20is%20at,long%20term%20average%20of%205.73%25. “United States Wages and Salaries Growth, February 2023 Data - 1960-2022 Historical.” United States Wages and Salaries Growth - February 2023 Data - 1960-2022 Historical. Accessed March 5, 2023. wth%20in%20the%20United,percent%20in%20March%20of%202009. Wei, Oscar. “2023 Housing Market Outlook.” California Association of Realtors, January 31, 2023.

  • Go Woke Go Broke

    The failure of the companies pushing political agendas on young children. Recently, numerous companies have been introducing LGBTQ-themed clothing for young boys and girls and releasing movies aimed at children featuring gay protagonists. While there is nothing inherently wrong with individuals expressing themselves through clothing, regardless of whether it promotes messages such as "Happy and Gay" or "Happy and Straight," some may find these expressions unfamiliar or unusual. However, individuals should be free to exercise their personal choices without undue influence from others. The financial losses incurred by companies like Disney, Target, and Kohl's can be attributed to the specific target audience of these movies and clothing items rather than the presence of LGBTQ themes. The Walt Disney Company, in particular, the primary source of income in media and entertainment led by Disney +, has seen highly damaging losses in the last couple of quarters. Before the highly anticipated quarterly earnings call of the Walt Disney Company, news broke that Disney+ had suffered a loss of a staggering 4 million subscribers. This unfortunate trend follows a decline of 2.4 million subscribers in the last quarter of 2022. Even more confounding is that most lost subscribers originate from India and various parts of Asia, where Disney+ operates under Disney+ Hotstar. This disheartening outcome can be attributed to Disney's recent setback of losing the streaming rights to the esteemed Indian Premier League's cricket matches. Due to the price increase, Disney + lost 300,000 subscribers in the United States and Canada. Disney has also had countless movies and TV shows at the box office bust, primarily those including LGBTQ characters, with the target being children. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the demonstration of gay or lesbian characters in movies. Still, the over-sexualization of a cartoon character's sexual orientation or sexual preference is not needed. Demonstrated by what Movie Web called the biggest box office bombs in Disney history, Strange World, a cartoon by Disney with openly gay leads, completely flopped, costing Disney 100 million dollars in lost revenue. While 100 million dollars out the window is a significant loss even to a large corporation like Walt Disney, those numbers are in the shadow of what occurred to Target. Not following the severely damaging loss Bud Light faced when it promoted a video of Dylan Mulvaney, a Trans Woman showing that Bud Light sent her a beer with her face on it, celebrating her 365th day of transitioning to become a woman. Sexualizing beer and using it as a trophy of transgendersim is quite something. Just imagine how odd it would be if Bud Light sent a 22-year-old a beer with his or her face on it, congratulating them for keeping the same gender for a year! A trans person equals a non-trans person, so why are we congratulating a trans person like it's some achievement? ANHEUSER-BUSCH, the company that owns Bud Light, lost a stunning 27 billion dollars, and Bud Light sales are down 30% after this disastrous and unnecessary promotion. For some odd reason, Target did not understand and introduced something causing even more losses to the company. Unlike Budlight sexualizing beer, Target decided to sexualize young children. After the launch of their most recent campaign Pride Kids’ & Baby clothing line, which was shown in countless stores around America, Target lost 9 billion dollars in 7 days. Target is worth 65 billion dollars, so that's a loss of 14% of their total company worth for no logical reason. These clothes, exclusively intended for very young kids, some even under a year old, had messages like Trans People Will Always Exist, Just be You and Feel the Love, Hi, Im Queer, Queer, Queer. There's nothing wrong if an 18+-year-old wears any of those shirts or even an older teenager, but buying and forcing your six-month-old child who can't talk to wear a shirt that says “ They/ Them” is borderline comical. Pushing a tuck-friendly bathing suit for a twelve-month-old child is outlandish, to say the least, but most of all, why do political agendas have to penetrate every aspect of daily life? If you want to wear a shirt full of Pride colors, you want to wear to have gender-affirming surgery, that's fine, Just like if you want to wear a shirt that says Happy and Straight or a shirt full of the word heterosexual. While all cases might be a little strange to most people, just because something is weird does not give you the right to discriminate. In conclusion, all these companies listed above that have gone woke have lost millions and, in some cases, billions of dollars. Once again, there is nothing inherently wrong with promoting LGBTQ products; the real issue is when the target is kids. It's essential that the children of this great nation have the freedom to choose their sexual orientation and their sexual preference without political indoctrination being introduced to them before they can even walk and talk. Coming after the kids will be the final blow to the Woke Movement, making it lose credibility and subject to ridicule. Works Cited: Kollewe, Julia. “Disney+ Loses 4m Subscribers amid Exodus in Indian Market.” The Guardian, 11 May 2023, Accessed 30 May 2023. Fink, Richard. “Why Strange World Bombed at the Box Office.” MovieWeb, 29 Nov. 2022, Hookstead, David. “Anheuser-Busch Loses $27 Billion in Value after Dylan Mulvaney Disaster.” OutKick, 1 June 2023, Accessed 3 June 2023. Dean, Zach. “Target Loses $9 Billion in One Week, Tells Bud Light to Officially Hold Its Beer.” OutKick, 25 May 2023, Accessed 3 June 2023.

  • Black Quality of life under Trump vs Obama

    Black Quality of Life under Trump vs. Obama Politics is often defined by its myths - narratives that shape our beliefs and guide our actions. Nevertheless, what happens when these myths are not based on facts? In a time dominated by social media and online news, the rise of misinformation and fake news is at an all-time high. What is very important, especially in the rising adults (ages 18-29) who in America are responsible for 23.6% or 36.5 million votes in the 2020 election, is knowing the partisan truth rather than following slogans or information that they get from social media accounts not qualified to be considered a reliable font of information on the matter. A study by the University of Colorado Boulder shows that both sides of the political spectrum are responsible for over 43.5% of fake news on Facebook and 48.2% on Twitter. In 2020 before the elections, one of the most viewed Facebook fake posts against the conservative party claimed that "Trump's dad was a member of the KKK." On the other hand, an example of fake news being spread against the liberal party stated that "AOC proposed a ban against motorcycles." To anyone with a basic level of intellect, both are outlandish claims, but then again, this is America, and you will find people who believe anything. One of the most prominent issues in American society is the remaining percentages of fake news being spread by politicians disguised as educating you and people with much influence. It is no secret that racism remains a persistent issue in the United States, and black Americans have historically been the most affected by it. However, it is essential to recognize that the conservative party and the liberal party perpetuate misinformation and harmful stereotypes about black people. Some of the most insidious myths about black people have been propagated by liberal politicians and media outlets, often under the guise of progressive ideals. Even if you do not follow politics as closely as you should, I am sure you have heard about the police pulling over more black people than white or unemployment rates being significantly higher than their equal white counterparts. Alternatively, white people have over a 30% greater chance of owning a house in America than black people. Alternatively, even certain police officers may be inclined to pull over black people more than white people. While all those observations are accurate and frankly terrible, all of those injustices occur in liberal states more than in conservative states. The issue with this is that the negative impact caused by the left is often disguised as a helping hand when they genuinely do not care and are pursuing their agenda. Compare and Contrast While America is riddled with countless issues, it's quintessential to recognize the blessing every US citizen has to live in a free country like ours, something that not everybody can take for granted. One of the issues that affected the US the most is racism. From the terrible past riddled with slavery, the Jim Crow Laws, and segregation, we all aim to move to a future where inequality is nonexistent. The most important thing to do to combat this injustice is to elect a leader who will not just say they will make it better, but they actually will. As US citizens, we hold a responsibility to vote for someone who will push for a more perfect America. But nothing is ever perfect, and while we shouldn't strive for perfection, we should strive for progress. Problem 1: Black Homeownership Rates One of perhaps the most prominent issues, especially recently, is the black housing crisis. Starting in 2008, when President Barack Hussein Obama was elected as the 44th President of the US, a Global financial crisis occurred. In September 2008, the global financial system was shaken by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, a central investment bank. This triggered a global financial crisis and led to a severe economic downturn. While there is no doubt that starting a presidency this way is not the easiest, it is not about how you start but about how you finish; unfortunately for President Obama, concerning the black community in contrast to the white, or just overall, objectively, not much changed. From 2008-2016 black homeownership rates collapsed from 49% to the lowest point in the last 50 years (aside from the start of the pandemic where homeownership rates fell regardless of race) to a disastrous 40%. Nothing changed over eight years and countless blank promises; if it did, it was for the worse. An example of an empty promise: "We need to do more to address the housing crisis and provide relief to families, particularly those in communities of color who have been hit hardest by the economic downturn." - Barack Obama, May 2011 After saying that and motivating the crowd at his press conference, he did nothing, if not objectively making it worse, resulting in a negative trend from 46% to 42% from 2011-2016. Right after this absolute disaster comes President Trump, who raises the rates back to 48% in just four years. To be clear, Trump did not inherit this from Obama in any way, shape, or form. As this graph shows, the slope during Obama was constantly negative; meanwhile, when Trump was elected in January 2017, the slope instantly shifted into a consistent, positive slope. In 2019, when they dropped to 40.6, the lowest they'd ever been, President Trump took action and raised it to 48%. Source: US Department of the Treasury Problem 2: Black Unemployment Rates Black unemployment issues are also significant, as this graph shows, and are greatly affected by the President. Under Obama's first term from 2008-2012, black unemployment rates rose from 10.1% to 15.8%, while white unemployment rates decreased from 8.5% to 7.2%. Without a doubt, the financial crisis affected these numbers, but countless Black people were found without jobs. In contrast, white people were not affected nearly as much, and little to no reparations were done by President Obama to balance this out. Meanwhile, under Trump's four years of power from 2017-2021, black unemployment rates fell to the lowest in American history at a legendary amount of 6.1%, and white unemployment rates also decreased to at the time the lowest they've ever been in the last fifty years of history. Under Trump, over seven million new jobs were made, which was three times what unbiased projectors initially expected. One hundred sixty million total Americans reported being employed, a country record. Most importantly, the difference between white and black unemployment rates was the closest they've been in the last fifty years. Problem 3: Median household income of black private households The median household income of black private households also collapsed under Obama, falling from $44,427 to $39,393 in 2016. Meanwhile, the median income of white private households barely decreased, only changing by $3,000 from $70,049 to $67,397. The change in the percentage of income for black families was an 11.33% decrease, while in white families, it was only a 3.78% decrease. On the other hand, from 2016-2020, the income rose to $48,175 for black people and $78,912 for white people. Under Trump, black homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent. As seen in the graph above that shows the Median income of black private households in eight years of the presidency, the actual income ended up being the same; meanwhile, under Trump, the numbers had an ending positive slope. This graph, on the other hand, shows the median income of white private households. We can see that while the number fell after the financial crisis, it rose to a significantly higher value of $73,433 from the original value of $68,490. So to clear it up, Black people saw a change of $95 in eight years, while white people saw an increase of almost $5,000 over the same period. While it could be straightforward to say what Trump did to help black Americans and whether he inherited a system that was already improving, I have compiled a list of all the major bills passed by President Trump to improve the quality of life. Starting with one of the essential acts, The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 lowered the highest possible percentage of individual taxes from 39.6% to 37%, and for businesses, this was lowered from 35% to 21%. The left heavily criticized this, stating that the rich would get richer while the poor would get poorer, once again far from the truth. The Tax Cut and Jobs Act established over 9,000 opportunity zones where long-term investments were exempt from taxation. To qualify, the area needed a poverty rate of at least 20% or a median income below 80% of the state's median income. The selected opportunity zones almost all had a very high percentage of black people and had an average poverty rate of almost twice that of more prosperous communities in the state. President Trump did another crucial thing to promote equal education and limit the race inequality disparity: The Federal Historically Black Colleges and Universities Initiative. The Federal HBCU's initiative was to increase funding, expand research opportunities, strengthen partnerships, and primarily forgive over $330 million of student debt exclusively for HBCU students. President Trump passed the FUTURE Act ( Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education) on December 19, 2019, guaranteed permanent funding to HBCUs and TCUs, and MSIs amassing over $255 million annually. 30% of that total money was used for strengthening infrastructure on the campus, which included improving the physical infrastructure of these institutions and enhancing campus facilities and technology. The funding can be used to improve the physical infrastructure of these institutions, including campus facilities and technology. The black community appreciated these great acts and bills proposed and passed by Trump to the point where over twice the amount of support from Black women and over 20% of black men voted for Trump in 2020, the highest out of any Republican candidate of all time. 22% of black men with a bachelor's degree voted for Trump in 2020, again the highest of all time. Let me put it in unambiguous terms; one President is called "the most racist president in modern history" by the Washington Post, while the other is venerated for being one of the strongest pushers of equality. Friendly reminder: there is a monumental difference between saying we need change to come and doing something about it. Obama was correct about one thing, though, when he said, "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time," in his speech in February of 2008. How hypocritical, because black people had to wait eight years before seeing an actual change in their lives. Many people do not like President Trump because of tik tok videos of Twitter posts made by people without anything to do with their day other than take things out of context. However, it is undeniable that the quality of black life under Trump was light-years better than that under Obama. Believe whatever you want; make sure it is worth believing in because I believe in what I say. As the youth of America, we hold so much power in what goes down in the country. As the years go by, thanks to the rise in technology and us being the backbone generation of social media, we will exponentially hold more knowledge and more influence in what goes down in the country and the world that we live in, so I strongly encourage everyone to do their research, form their own opinions, and find their unique solutions. You believe the objective data or your personal feelings and emotions; either way, remember that just because you hear your friends, teachers, or parents saying some information that you disagree with, it is entirely okay; remember 81,282,916 were fooled into thinking a president that lowered black unemployment rates, raised the median black salary, raised black homeownership rates, and passed countess of bills to promote better education for historically black universities was and still is considered racist. Works Cited:,Homeownership,households%20of%20any%20other%20race

  • The Unsung Hero of America

    The Unsung Hero of America The United States was founded on equality, rights, liberty, opportunity, and democracy. It's important to mention the flip side of the coin, with principles such as racism and discrimination in which countless people have faced challenges related to racial inequality. While these issues have become monumentally better throughout the years, they are far from where we want them to be. Examples of such inequality include the historical practice of slavery and more subtle forms of discrimination such as inadequate education, limited job opportunities, and higher rates of family instability leading to increased risk of homelessness. Everyone asks whether it is a cultural aspect leading to all these negative effects or a deeper underlying issue. The Hispanic community in the United States is a diverse and multifaceted group that has significantly contributed to the nation's economy, culture, and social fabric. Renowned for their tireless work ethic, Hispanics are often called upon to perform challenging jobs that others reject. The most significant misunderstanding that most of the population has is that the republican party dislikes immigrants. This is entirely incorrect; countless Republican politicians, including President Trump and Governor Desantis, are not only in favor of immigration but encourage it, which is why we've seen a surge in Hispanic votes for the republican party. Despite the widespread discrimination and prejudice they encounter, Hispanic Americans display unwavering determination and resilience, resulting in exceptional rates of college admission and impressively low levels of homelessness. Research indicates that more than 54% of the Hispanic population faces discrimination, a figure surpassed only by African Americans. Nevertheless, Hispanics continue to thrive, boasting a median income of over $58,000, the third-highest in the US and the second-highest among minority groups, despite comprising the second-largest population in the country, with over 62 million citizens. This achievement begs the question: how have Hispanics achieved such success despite the odds stacked against them? Education In recent years, the college attendance rate among Latinos has seen significant growth, with the proportion of Hispanics attending college increasing from a mere 4% in 1980 to 20% in recent years. This makes the Latino population the second-highest group in the United States concerning college attendance rates. In contrast, white students have experienced a decline in college attendance, with the proportion falling from 84% in the 1980s to 54% in 2020. Among Hispanics not attending college, 71% cite the need to assist their family as their primary reason, while 69% report financial barriers as the cause. The corresponding figures for white and black individuals are 49% and 65%, respectively. Despite these challenges, the trend for Hispanic students in college admissions is increasingly positive. Hispanic students in the United States demonstrate high academic achievement, as evidenced by their graduation rates from high school. At 82%, their graduation rate is the third highest among demographic groups in the country. This number is only 3% lower than white students and 6% higher than black students. Moreover, the trend in Hispanic graduation rates shows a consistently positive trajectory. In 2010, the graduation rate for Hispanics was 68%, expected to increase to 88% by 2030. This indicates a promising future for Hispanic students in terms of their educational attainment and potential for success in their chosen careers. Income In the United States, the average income for the population is $60,575. Among the different ethnic groups, Asian Americans have the highest average income at $99,962, while Black Americans have the lowest at $48,175. The average income for Hispanic Americans is $58,015, which is lower than the national average but has experienced significant growth over the past decade, increasing by more than $12,000. The growth in Hispanic American income is notable as it represents the most significant increase among all ethnic groups in the United States during the past ten years. This growth appears to be closely aligned with the population growth of the Hispanic demographic, which has risen from 35 million in 2000 to 63 million in 2021, making it the fastest-growing ethnic group in the country. Additionally, the growth in the Hispanic population is projected to continue, with estimates indicating that by 2060, Hispanics will comprise almost 29% of the total U.S. population. This growth is significant, as it will impact various aspects of American society, including the economy, politics, and culture. Homelessness Rates Over the past two decades, homelessness has become increasingly pressing in the United States. In 2012, the country's estimated number of homeless individuals was approximately 621,553, with the lowest figure in the 21st century recorded in 2017 at 550,097. However, due to various factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the current presidential administration's policies, homelessness rates have increased by 3% since January 20th, 2021. Despite this trend, Latinos have demonstrated remarkable resilience to this national challenge, exhibiting the third-lowest homelessness rate per capita. Specifically, there were 21.5 homeless individuals per 100,000 Latino citizens, compared to a national low of 3.9 for Asians and a high of 51.9 for Black Americans. To further explore the remarkable achievements of the Hispanic community, we can examine the three states with the highest percentage of the Hispanic population, namely New Mexico (49.2%), Texas (39.75%), and California (39.42%) The graph depicting homelessness rates in California indicates that Hispanics are underrepresented in the homeless population, and their percentage of homelessness rate per population is comparable to that of white individuals. This observation is a compelling testament to the remarkable achievements of the Latino community. Employment Rates The Hispanic community has significantly impacted the American workforce, exemplified by their unprecedented labor force participation rates. Hispanics rank second highest in labor force participation among all races in the United States, with a substantial rate of 65.5%. This figure indicates their comparatively lower unemployment rates compared to the general population. Asian Americans, who typically lead in positive statistical measures, have a labor force participation rate of 63.8%, while black Americans have a rate of 60.9%. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Hispanics exhibit a higher likelihood of engaging in labor force activity than other groups, with a participation rate of 79.5%, while blacks have the lowest rate of 66.5%. In addition to their high labor force participation rates, the Hispanic community has significantly contributed to the American economy. They have a strong entrepreneurial spirit, with Hispanic-owned businesses growing faster than the national average. According to the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Hispanic-owned businesses generate over $700 billion in revenue annually, creating jobs and boosting economic growth. Furthermore, the Hispanic community's cultural diversity and language skills have made them valuable assets in various industries such as healthcare, education, and customer service. Their ability to communicate in Spanish and English has allowed businesses to serve a diverse customer base better, leading to increased profitability and growth. In conclusion, the Hispanic community in the United States has achieved remarkable success in various aspects, including education, income, homelessness rates, and employment. Despite facing widespread discrimination and prejudice, the community has shown unwavering determination and resilience, exemplified by their high rates of college attendance and graduation, impressive income growth, low rates of homelessness, and high levels of labor force participation. These achievements demonstrate that the Hispanic community is a vital and influential part of American society, contributing significantly to the nation's economy, culture, and social fabric. While challenges related to racial inequality persist, the success of the Hispanic community serves as a source of inspiration and hope for future generations. Works Cited:,up%20from%2014%25%20in%202010,141&ch=10&pdist=73,U.S.%20dollars%20for%20Hispanic%20households,and%20Whites%20(56.4%20percent)

  • Asian Discrimination in the United States

    Asian Discrimination Despite being one of the fastest-growing racial groups in the country, Asians have frequently been subjected to various forms of discrimination and prejudice. Discrimination against Asians is a multifaceted and long-standing problem that has persisted in the United States, from the historical oppression of Chinese railroad workers to the widespread discrimination against various Asian nations, including the Japanese, during World War II. In today’s society, it is essential to highlight the most potent and widespread tool of discrimination against the Asian community: affirmative action. Affirmative action is the policy in academia and employment where Asians may face unfair treatment and are disadvantaged compared to other racial groups. The use and implementation of affirmative action have led to debates over its effectiveness and ethical implications, especially for the Asian community. Affirmative action has impacted a significant percentage of the Asian community and has had a devastating impact on the most essential part of any family, regardless of culture, ethnicity, or nationality; the children. Discrimination against Asians in college admissions is by far the most potent weapon used to disadvantage the statistically most intelligent race in what should be a meritocratic system of college admissions. The Asian population has grown significantly over the last twenty years, yet their admissions percentage has remained unchanged since 1990. On SAT scores, Asian applicants scored, on average, over 150 better than their white counterparts and over 300 points more than their black counterparts. This graph shows that none of the eight Ivy League schools have allowed a campus population of over 20% Asian. In a New York Times article, Amy Qin stated that countless Asian applicants will “try to appear less Asian, to higher their chances of making it into Ivy League Schools.” As said by professional college counselor Sasha Chada, “My company’s Latino clients often emphasized their ethnicity and their engagement with Hispanic cultural organizations on their college applications; on the other hand, my company frequently gave Asian American students the opposite advice, urging them to shift away from “classically Asian activities.” There are countless ways to judge an applicant in college admissions, whether extracurriculars, clubs, sports, or character. Nonetheless, there are two very objective ways of measuring the type of intelligence known as book intelligence: GPA (Grade Point Average) and Standardized Testing (SAT and ACT) The average Asian unweighted GPA is the highest in America at a whopping 3.26 compared to 3.09 for White Americans and 2.69 for Black Americans. The reasons for this are plentiful; however, as there is no consensus, this essay will not address it. However, it is essential to notice that the difference between an average Asian GPA and Black GPA is almost .6, or between an A and a B. From an SAT perspective, 30% of Asian students that scored 1400-1600 on the test got into Ivy’s; this number is 40% for White applicants and 78% for Black applicants. You are 2.7 times more likely to get admitted into eight of the most prestigious universities in America based on your skin color. This treatment of Asians is unfair in every way, shape, or form. There is no denying that SAT scores and GPA aren't the only criteria used for college admissions; however, it is an undeniably important factor that should be considered. Affirmative action is a very controversial topic mainly because of the aura of misinformation around it. It doesn't help exclusively lower-income people who are also minorities; it just helps minorities. Why not have Affirmative Action based on socioeconomic status? That's where you'll see the most “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” This injustice towards the Asian community is truly hard to watch. What hurts even more is that countless Asian families have attempted to sue these major universities but hardly ever win because they are small entities compared to a league of eight schools with billions of dollars at their disposal. There's significant proof that Ivy Leagues all have an evident cap of the max Asian population, as not a single Ivy has a higher than 20% Asian student body. Meanwhile, all the UCs that don't have affirmative action have significantly higher Asian student populations. As very evidently demonstrated in those charts in comparison to the following. Affirmative Action Schools White Population: 38%, 41%, 51% Asian Population: 15%, 20%, 21% Hispanic Population: 11%, 11%, 14% Black Population: 5.2%, 6.5%, 6.5% Non-Affirmative Action Schools White Population: 24%, 26%, 27% Asian Population: 28%, 36%, 37% Hispanic Population: 16%, 17%, 23% Black Population: 3.5%, 4.2%, 5.6% The evidence clearly shows that the American education system's claim to being a meritocracy is a myth that has been propagated for decades. While it preached to benefit minorities, when you look at the numbers, you realize that white people benefit the most. It negatively affects Hispanics, black people barely benefit, and Asians are heavily attacked. Affirmative Action is a practice that violates the fundamental principles of our college system, as it provides advantages based on factors that are beyond an individual's control, much like legacy admissions. The collegiate system should be exclusively based on meritocracy. Instead of promoting Affirmative Action, we should focus on providing earlier academic assistance to disadvantaged minority groups. For instance, President Trump's Federal HBCUs Act exemplifies action that benefits minority communities, pardoning over $330 million in student loans solely for historically black colleges and universities. This action allowed students to study and become successful entrepreneurs without being hindered by the burden of student loans, which affect over 50% of black students in America. Affirmative action is often justified by the argument that it fosters greater diversity, equity, and inclusion on college campuses. However, this claim is not necessarily supported by the evidence. Indeed, creating a more diverse campus environment can be achieved more effectively by addressing socioeconomic inequality rather than relying solely on affirmative action based on race. Those who argue that affirmative action is necessary to create a more diverse campus environment frequently assume that all minorities come from disadvantaged backgrounds, which is a misguided stereotype. Individuals from a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds can experience socioeconomic disadvantage. Addressing economic barriers can achieve greater diversity on college campuses than focusing solely on race. Consider, for example, two children who grow up in the same neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan – one white and one black. These children will likely face similar challenges and experiences, regardless of their racial background. In contrast, a black child from Beverly Hills in Los Angeles will likely have very different experiences than a black child from Detroit. To truly help members of disadvantaged communities, we must address the root causes of their disadvantage rather than relying solely on affirmative action based on race. Poverty and lack of economic opportunity affect people of all races. Efforts to address these issues can foster more significant equity and inclusion for all students, regardless of their racial or ethnic background. In conclusion, we must recognize the complex realities of disadvantage and work towards creating a more equitable society for all individuals. What's going on now in America isn't anything new, as this is highly similar to the Jewish quotas implemented by the Ivy League Schools in the 20th century. The quotas were based on the belief that Jewish students were overrepresented in the student population and that admitting too many Jewish students would result in a decline in the quality of education. Harvard's former president notably said, “The anti-Semitic feeling among the students is increasing, and it grows in proportion to the increase in the number of Jews. The race feeling would intensify if their number became 40% of the student body. " As the younger generation, we hold a significant influence on shaping the future of our country. At our school, where a substantial percentage of the student population is Asian, students must understand how specific policies may affect their lives in the next four years. On a national level, 72% of Asian voters voted liberal, pushing for another four years of aggressive discrimination in college admissions. As an Italian immigrant, I recognize that this issue may not impact me to the same extent as my Asian peers, yet I have taken the time to research and educate myself on the matter. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the majority of the Asian population, who will be more directly affected, should also take an active interest in understanding how the political party they support may have adverse consequences based on ethnicity. Sources:

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